Thank you for visiting College of DuPage NEXLAB!
In an effort to keep our site free and open to all (i.e., no subscriptions or annoying ads), we will be holding a fundraiser beginning October 1st 2016. If you like what we do, please consider making a tax-deductible donation. Your donations will ensure that we can continue to advance the meteorological content of our site, as well as improve the educational experience in Meteorology for not just our students, but countless others across the country and even the world. You can make a donation through this secure website:
To submit a donation, simply click the link provided above or the button below and enter the amount you feel comfortable donating. We accept minimum donations of $5. Donations will be broken down into categories ranging from EF0 - EF5 as shown below. Donors will be listed by name on our 'Donors Page', unless you choose to donate anonymously.

For specific details on our plans with the funds raised in this current fundraising effort, please take a moment to read the following document:
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