NEXLAB Site and Data Alert Message

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The imagery on this page is generated with Unidata's McIDAS-X software package, on server hardware obtained through Unidata's 2017 Equipment Award. The Equipment Award is sponsored by the National Science Foundation. It is because of these tools and resources that we are able to bring this data to you. Unidata empowers educational institutions like ours by providing software, support and grants to further education and research of our planet and atmosphere. To learn more about Unidata, visit them here.


This page, its features and contents are largely in a completed state. However, active development is still on going. If you are curious about feature development and want to float an idea past our development staff, we are certainly open to suggestions from our users. The overwhelming majority of the imagery on this page is rendered at a resolution of 1600x900 pixels. Because of this we recommend viewing this page at a 16:9 or 16:10 aspect ratio at a resolution of 1920x1080 or greater. A mobile version of this page is still in development.

GOES-R Series Satellite FAQ:

What are ABI bands?

The Advanced Baseline Imager (or ABI for short) is one of the instruments on the GOES-R series of satellites. There are 16 ABI bands that each sample a specific region of the light spectrum. They include two visible bands, four near-infrared bands, and ten infrared bands.

Which bands are closest to what I’m used to?

Compared to the previous generation of GOES satellites, ABI 02, or the Visible Red band, samples the same wavelength as legacy visible products. ABI 09, the Mid-Level Water Vapor band, is most like the legacy water vapor band. And ABI 14, the Longwave Infrared Window band, is the closest to the legacy LW-IR band

What ABI bands should I use?

The best answer to this question is really all of them, as they all have their uses. But some bands do have some interesting characteristics. ABI 02 has the highest spatial resolution of all the ABI bands at 500 meters (visible was previously 1km). ABI 07 senses the widest range of temperatures, and among other things is very useful for fire detection. And band 13 often produces cleaner looking images than its more traditional counterpart, band 14. But please use them all, and explore for yourself each band’s strengths and weaknesses.

How often to these products update?

Imagery from the mesoscale regions will update every minute. Occasionally, the two mesoscale regions can be overlapped to produce 30 second imagery. CONUS imagery, which is what the bulk of our sectors use, updates once every five minutes. By the week of April 1st, 2019 Full Disk imagery will update every 10 minutes, but it’s possible to have 5 minute updates if the mesoscale regions are turned off.

What are the mesoscale regions?

Both GOES-East and GOES-West are capable of having up to two mesoscale scanning regions. The satellite’s ABI will scan each of these regions once per minute, or it can scan one region every 30 seconds. This results in satellite imagery that can update faster than most weather radars! Beyond that, there is no difference in the products themselves between mesoscale imagery and CONUS imagery.

Who determines where the mesoscale regions are?

Not us, though that would be nice. Actually, any National Weather Service (NWS) office or National Center (such as SPC or NHC) can request a mesoscale domain be positioned to sample a specific region or feature of interest. This allows flexibility to have rapid updates for severe weather, fire weather, hurricanes and other events or occurrences. An SPC moderate or high risk will typically take priority over most other things.

Where can I learn more about the ABI bands?

Here are a few links you may find useful:
And in general, the site is loaded with information and has many resources that help explain the GOES-R series of satellites.

What's the issue with GOES-West data for some products?

GOES-17 (currently GOES-West) unfortunately has a problem with it's cooling system. Long story short - there is a daily and seasonal impact to the quality of data for a subset of the satellites ABI bands. This issue isn't something we, nor anyone, can resolve as the problem comes from the satellite itself. For more information about GOES-17's cooling issue, view NOAA's Summary of the GOES-17 Cooling System Issue.

Where can I find older satellite imagery?

Due to disk space limitations, we can only keep these images on our site for about three to four days. However, we have partnered with Iowa State University to archive most of our base satellite products. The archive can be found at the following link; you'll need to navigate around to find the imagery you are looking for:

I think I found a problem with your page or imagery, how can I tell you about it?

If you think you’ve found a bug we’d love to know about it. Please contact us here and describe what’s broken. The more detail, the better.
ABI Band #7 - Shortwave Infrared (w/ Daytime Reflected Component)
Band Type: Infrared
Spatial Resolution: 2km
Approximate Central Wavelength: 3.9 μm
Temporal Usage: Night and Day
ABI 7 has many applications but is primarily used for fog and low-cloud detection, especially at night. It is also effective at detecting fires/hot-spots, volcanic eruptions, ash, snow and ice.
For more information: View Product Guide

Global Sectors

West East
southpacific southernhemi southamerica southatlantic equatorial capeverde atlantic northernhemi fulldiskeast northamerica halfdiskeastsouth halfdiskeastnorth
southernhemiwest halfdiskwestsouth spacwest equatorialwest halfdiskwestnorth npacwest npacwestlarge northernhemiwest fulldiskwest

Continental Sectors

West East
argentina brazil enso southconus conus
w_southconus w_conus Alaska

Regional Sectors

N. America Alaska Hawaii
watlantic nwatlantic ca_Regina ca_reg_east ca_reg_cen ca_reg_west prregional gulf southmexico northmexico southeast southcentral southwest northeast eastcoast northcentral central midwest northwest eastpac w_southwest w_northwest ca_lksuper

Additional Sectors:

Baffin Baker Lake
GulfOfAK BeringSea

Sub-Regional Sectors

N. America Alaska Hawaii
Nrn_Mo ca_n_bc ca_s_bc ca_edmonton ca_n_alberta ca_n_mb_sk ca_s_mb_sk ca_n_ontario ca_n_quebec ca_ungava ca_nl ca_gulf_stl ca_c_quebec ca_s_ontario E_Caribbean E_Antilles Greater_Antilles Bahamas W_Caribbean Cuba Yucatan Mexico_City Cali_Gulf Baja Big_Bend W_Gulf_Coast E_Gulf_Coast Florida Bermuda Dixie Carolinas Virginias Bootheel Texas S_Plains Desert_SW Sierra N_Nevada Cen_Rockies Cen_Plains IL Mid_Atlantic New_England St_Lawrence Quebec MI N_Tier N_Iowa N_Plains N_Rockies Pac_NW S_British_Columbia S_SK ca_ern_nl OH_RV Oregon SanFran Vandenburg NE_WY CO_KS_PanHan Durango S_PanHandle
BristolBay Fairbanks Unalaska NWAlaska Juneausub AlaskaWest Anchoragesub

Localized Sectors

N. America Alaska Hawaii
Bermudazoom Montreal Lawrence Beatrice Clovis Souix_Falls Fargo GrandForks S_California Cen_California Tahoe N_California Nevada SW_Utah Cabo Mid_Baja Sonora Arizona Four_Corners N_New_Mexico White_Sands Chihuahua Serranias_del_Burro SW_Texas Cen_Texas Panhandle SE_Colorado Kansas Oklahoma NE_Texas Houston Brownsville Campeche New_Orleans Mississippi Arkansas SW_Missouri S_Illinois Tennessee Alabama FL_Panhandle S_Florida Havana Cayman Jamaica PuertoRico Hispaniola Turks_and_Caicos Bahamas Gulf_Stream Jacksonville SE_Coast Carolina Kentucky Hatteras Virginia NC_VA W_Virginia Ohio Tri_State Iowa Nebraska NE_Colorado Colorado Wyoming Salt_Lake S_Oregon Portland NE_Oregon S_Idaho Yellowstone SE_Montana Black_Hills S_Dakota S_Minnesota Wisconsin N_Illinois Pennsylvania New_Jersey Rhode_Island S_Maine Newfoundland Nova_Scotia New_Brunswick Ottawa LakeOntario LakeErie SE_Ontario LakeHuron Michigan UP LakeSuperior N_Minnesota N_Dakota NE_Montana W_Montana E_Washington Seattle Kelowna Calgary Regina Brandon Winnipeg Nuevo_Leon Cozumel Phoenix Wichita_Falls Austin N_Louisiana Indiana N_Mississippi Georgia Vermont Orlando ca_stjohns Madison
Juneau Anchorage DutchHarbor Utqiagvik Nome Fairbanksub Bethel SaintPaul KingSalmon Yakutat ColdBay Unalakleet
HI_BigIsland HI_CenIsl HI_WrnIsl

Mesoscale Floater Sectors

Meso Sector #1 (GOES-East)
Meso Sector #2 (GOES-East)
Meso Sector #1 (GOES-West)
Meso Sector #2 (GOES-West)
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Mapping Mesoanalysis GOES Derived SPC Graphics Color Bars
Re-Check Uncheck Category Uncheck All
  • Latitude and Longitude
  • Rivers
  • Counties
  • U.S. State Routes
  • U.S. Highways
  • U.S. Interstates
  • Station I.D.s
  • CWA Outlines
  • ARTCC Zones
  • Political & State Borders
  • Composite Radar
  • CAPE
  • CINH
  • Dewpoint
  • Mass Divergence
  • Wind Gusts
  • 500mb RAP Analysis
  • Moisture Divergence
  • Mean Sea Level Pressure
  • Pressure Falls
  • Station Plots
  • Present Weather
  • Supercell Composite
  • Streamlines
  • Temperature
  • Theta-E
  • Theta
  • Vorticity
  • Wind Vectors
  • Watches & Warnings
  • Cloud Top Height
  • Cloud Top Temperature
  • Cloud Top Phase
  • Aerosol - Dust
  • Aerosol - Smoke
  • CAPE
  • Land Surface Temperature
  • Rainfall Rate
  • Sea Surface Temperature
  • Total Precipitable Water
  • GLM Total Optical Energy
  • GLM Minimum Flash Area
  • GLM Flash Extent Density
  • GLM Flashes
  • SPC Day 1 Outlook
  • SPC Day 1 Tor Probs
  • SPC Day 1 Hail Probs
  • SPC Day 1 Wind Probs
  • SPC Day 2 Outlook
  • SPC Day 2 Tor Probs
  • SPC Day 2 Hail Probs
  • SPC Day 2 Wind Probs
  • SPC Day 3 Outlook
  • SPC Day 3 Severe Probs
    Only ONE Color Bar allowed on at a time
  • Cloud Top Height
  • Cloud Top Temperature
  • Cloud Top Phase
  • CAPE
  • Land Surface Temperature
  • Rainfall Rate
  • Sea Surface Temperature
  • Total Precipitable Water
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