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Product Description

Differential reflectivity is a dual-polarization product made possible by the radar transmitting two pulses; one oriented horizontally and the other vertically. Differential reflectivity (or ZDR) is simply a difference in the amount of these two pulses evaluated at each point. This allows the radar to effectively evaluate the shape of the target which has returned. Assuming the target is meteorological in nature, the shape of the target can then be used to infer its type or phase. Shape is determined by ZDR values either being above, below or near zero. Near zero ZDR implies a spherical target which would likely be hail, and that analysis can be reinforce by a co-location of low ZDR in the presence of a high base reflectivity signature. ZDR > 0 means the target is wider than it is tall, a shape that is characteristic of a rain drop. For a deeper dive into ZDR and it's uses, see the following resource from the NWS: Go here

Website Alert Message

Radar Status Message

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Dual-Pol Radar Site Selection

Change Map Region: CONUS ALASKA HAWAII Addtional Sites: Guam Puerto Rico
Change Map Type: Radar Radar + Warnings

Active Severe Weather Warnings

Click warning for Full Text - Choose from Available Radars to switch site

Type Counties Affected Tornado Status Hail Size Wind Speed Available Radar(s) Issued by Issuance Time Expire Time

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